May 26, 2016

 The Tunnels of Moose Jaw is a year-round tourist attraction that entertains guests with unique productions of Canadian history. 

It is an attraction that offers an experience like no other. Both tours were equally informative and entertaining. 

We went beneath the streets of downtown Moose Jaw and enjoyed two guided theatrical tours. 
Ticket Office 

We relived Al Capone’s bootlegging days in the Chicago Connection tour and experienced first-hand the hardships of early Chinese immigrants in the Passage to Fortune tour. 

As no photos are allowed underground - these are 'borrowed' from the internet.
Mr Dawson in River Street tunnel - Passage of Fortune Tour

In the Burlap Factory - Passage of Fortune Tour 

In the Gun Room - Chicago Connection Tour

Gus in the 'escape route' Fireplace - Chicago Connection Tour

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