March 23, 2009

Park Party - a good time was had by all.....

Happy Hour and Fish Fry in which everyone in the RV Park attended. There was only three rigs in the park, so it was a relatively small party.....

Harry (the gentleman on the left in this photo) supplied the margarittas - and Rich and Tina, Michel and I supplied the eats.... Michel bbq'd the fish.
(In this first picture are l to r: Harry, Rich, Michel)

Here is a picture of Michel pouring Karen (permanent resident in the park) a margaritta.
Also in this photo is Tina (r)

We were joined for dinner by Alfredo and his family; wife Theresa, daugher Gloria and even Momma Rosa came over to eat with us.

We were quite honored, because Karen had informed us that they don't usually join in with the guests.

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