May 15, 2008


We have a confirmed delivery date for our mobile home. May 30th is the day. We went to Greenwood a couple of weeks ago and prepared the lot and leveled the mobile home site.

And we've been shopping!! We now have our appliances and they'll be delivered to the mobile home before it gets moved to Greenwood, which will save us $$ in delivery charges. This is a good thing...... We bought a kitchen set and we have a mattress. So when we're there on weekends we have what we need. We have our power ordered and it sounds like we're good to go there too. Everything seems to be falling into place.

In the mean time - Michel is still working at Burnco, though he's yet to get a full 5 day week. But that is okay too as we've needed the days off during the week to get things done. My day goes by - I manage to keep busy and I'm really enjoying not working.

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