We took a short trip to Kamloops this week. We went to visit Michel's cousin Les. He sunk his speed boat in the river the previous night, so we lucked into helping him to try to retreive it from the bottom of the river. Approximately 30 feet deep. Well we didn't really do very much, I took pictures, but mostly we sat around. He hired a scuba diver to do the underwater work and here Michel is holding the guide rope for the diver.
He took a huge inner tube and pushed it into the bow of the boat, then tied another larger tube to the stern. Then inflated both tubes in hopes of floating the sunken boat.
It worked - sort of. The front of the boat lifted out of the water, but the back inner tube couldn't float the back of the boat, so the guys pulled it up close to the shore to try to re-position the tube. They worked at it until it got too dark for safety.
We went back the next day for a couple of hours, but Michel and I weren't there when they actually pulled it out and trailered it. But he did get it out, and he's working on getting the water all out of it. He says it will be fine and on the river in no time!!!
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