June 22, 2016

Today we spent the better part of the day at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.  

In addition to the exhibits of all the aircraft since the beginning of flight, they have added the Star Trek Experience to celebrate their 50th Anniversary.. 

Inter-active exhibits - me in medical! 

Here visitors can try a number of activities to test their aptitude for Communications, Medical, Navigation, Engineering, Science, Tactical and Command branches.

So we attended the famous "Star Fleet Academy".  Both Michel and myself were suited for Engineering - I don't know how they figured that one out - lol!

A view from the space shuttle - gazing at Aurora Borealis! Beautiful!
Astronaut Michel  - lol !!

The museum holds approximately 130 military and civilian aircraft. 
The "Snowbird" was the world's first successful ornithopter.
Built by a team of graduate students at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies,  they made the headlines in 2010 when it sustained flight for 19 seconds at the Great Lakes Gliding Club in Tottenham, On. 

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