October 21, 2016

It is said that time flies when you are having fun... And is Time ever going by fast, we are down to the last 10 days here in Vero Beach. I can't say we've been extremely busy, but we have kept busy. And, yes we have managed to visit back and forth with Tom and Karen quite a bit, at least a few times a week! 

Last Friday we took in a free outside concert at Riverside Park. The Beatle Guys put on a great show. They played for three hours and sang song after song of the old Beatles songs.  Of course, we all remember those tunes, so we were singing right along!  Check these guys out, they are very good! This is their Promotional Video I 'borrowed' from the internet. 

On Tuesday we had a shopping day then went to Tom and Karens for dinner. We played Sequence in the evening and talked and laughed until 1:30 am. We haven't been up that late in a while - lol!!  But we spent the night and went for breakfast the next morning. 

Tonight Tom and Karen are coming here for dinner and cards, and tomorrow night we have tickets for The Comedy Zone Experience at the Riverside Theatre. Sounds like fun to me...

Life is good - thanks for reading!

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